64th Annual NSBA Convention
March 6-8, 2025
Embassy Suites Lincoln & The Graduate Hotel
2025 Convention Program
Printable At-A-Glance Schedule
General Meeting Documents
Conference Registration
Hotel Reservations
- The NSBA group rate for the Embassy will be available starting Dec 16th. Although this link is live now, it will not offer you the group rate until Dec 16th. Please wait until then to book your rooms under the NSBA block for our conference.
- Reservations can be made by clicking the link OR calling the hotel and referencing the NSBA block of rooms.
- Per the hotel, each person (one per room) will be responsible for having their personal credit card taken for file at time of check in and $25 per day HOLD will be placed on the credit card. If the traveler doesn’t have any incidental charges, then the hold will be released.
- 2025 Convention Sessions Include:
- Building a championship program from nothing
- Composition in any classroom
- Clarinet keys to success
- Building better low brass players
- Demystifying the bassoon
- Teaching non-bass players to groove on the bass
- Parade marching secrets for success
- Score study for successful band directors
- Teaching rhythm counting structure through manipulatives
- Rethinking your warm-up routine
- Adapting instruments for students with physical limitations
- Simplifying jazz articulations
- Reading session of Australian music
- 2025 Convention Prices:
Early Bird - NSBA Members, on or before Feb. 7 -- $72
NSBA Members, on or after Feb. 8 -- $90
Non-NSBA Member -- $100
College Student-- FREE